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叶伟 副教授,博士,硕士生导师。伦敦玛丽女王大学访问学者,入选浙江理工大学“青年拔尖人才培养计划”。



● 并联机器人创新设计


● 可重构机器人




1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,并联胞元型热膨胀系数可调控超材料构型综合与性能评价研究,2024/01~2027/12,50万元,排名1

2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,冗余驱动多操作模式并联机器人机构设计方法研究,2018/01~2020/12,27万元,排名1

3. 浙江省自然科学基金项目,冗余驱动混联打磨机器人设计方法与关键技术研究,2019/01~2021/12,10万元,排名1

4. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,大型航空结构件高效加工并联机器人设计理论与方法,2020/01~2024/12,300万,排名6

5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,面向大尺寸煤矸石分拣的运动冗余并联机构设计与运动学标定研究,2023/01~2026/12,54万,排名2

6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于几何代数的冗余驱动过约束并联机构解析静刚度分析与设计方法研究,2018/01~2021/12,65万,排名2



1. Ye W, Tang TF, Li QC. Robotized manufacturing equipment: A review from the perspective of mechanism topology[J]. Science China Technological Sciences, 2023, 66(6): 1683-1697.

2. Ye W, Zhou ZJ, Li QC. Modelling and verification of a novel bi-material mechanical metamaterial cellular structure with tunable coefficient of thermal expansion[J]. Materials Today Communications, 2022: 104940.

3. Ye W, Hu LH, Li QC. Kinematic analysis and dimension optimization of a new reconfigurable parallel mechanism with 1R2T and 2R1T operation modes[J]. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 2022, 14(6): 060914.

4. Ye W, Chai XX, Zhang KT. Kinematic modeling and optimization of a new reconfigurable parallel mechanism[J]. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2020, 149: 103850.

5. Ye W, Zhang B, Li QC. Design of a 1R1T planar mechanism with remote center of motion[J]. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2020, 149: 103845.

6. Ye W, Li QC. Type Synthesis of Lower Mobility Parallel Mechanisms: A Review[J]. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2019, 32(1): 38.

7. Wu Z, Chen QH,Ye W(通讯作者). Modeling and performance analysis of elastostatic stiffness of kinematically redundant parallel mechanisms[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2023: 09544062231167023.

8. Wu Z, Li QC,Ye W(通讯作者). Design of a New Family of Kinematically Redundant Parallel Mechanisms with Two Rotations and One Translation[J]. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 2023, 145: 053303.

9. Yang C, Li QC,Ye W(通讯作者). Dimensional synthesis method of parallel manipulators based on the principle component analysis[J]. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2022, 176: 104980.

10. Rao C, Xu L, Chen Q,Ye W(通讯作者). Dynamic modeling and performance evaluation of a 2UPR-PRU parallel kinematic machine based on screw theory[J]. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2021, 35(6): 2369-2381.

11. Chai XX, Zhang NB, He LY, Li QC,Ye W(通讯作者). Kinematic sensitivity analysis and dimensional synthesis of a redundantly actuated parallel robot for friction stir welding[J]. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2020, 33(1): 1.

12. Chai XX, Wang M, Xu LM,Ye W(通讯作者). Dynamic Modeling and Analysis of a 2PRU-UPR Parallel Robot Based on Screw Theory[J]. IEEE Access, 2020, 8: 78868-78878.

13. Xu LM, Chai XX, Li QC, Zhang LA,Ye W(通讯作者). Design and Experimental Investigation of a New 2R1T Overconstrained Parallel Kinematic Machine With Actuation Redundancy [J]. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 2019, 11(3).

14. 叶伟,谢镇涛,李秦川.一种可用于微创手术的并联机构运动学分析与性能优化[J].机械工程学报, 2020, 56(19): 103-112.

15. 叶伟,杨臻,李秦川,一种远中心并联机构运动学与性能分析[J].机械工程学报,2019, 55(5): 65-73.



1. 叶伟,李秦川,陈正升,贺磊盈,一种用于微创手术的三自由度机器人,201710339185.2,2023.07.25

2. 叶伟,陈巧红,李秦川,一种移动副驱动的三分支运动冗余并联机构,202210491589.4,2023.07.25

3. 叶伟,周哲佳,李秦川,夏董新,一种热膨胀系数可调范围大的二维超材料结构,202110829537.9,2023.07.21

4. 叶伟,夏董新,李秦川,谢镇涛,一种两转一移远程运动中心机构,202110941381.3,2023.03.10

5. 叶伟,胡利焕,谢镇涛,李秦川,一种可用于微创手术的两自由度远心机构,2020209016754,2021.03.26

6. 叶伟,胡利焕,李秦川,一种具有两个操作模式的三分支并联机构,2020216454607,2021.03.30

7. 叶伟,龚朝鑫,谢镇涛,李秦川,一种可用于小五金打磨的五自由度机器人,202021644214X,2021.01.15

8. 叶伟,李秦川,徐灵敏,一种用于船舶舱壁打磨的五自由度并联机器人,2019221522086,2020.10.27

9. 叶伟,胡利焕,李秦川,一种大转角三转动两移动并联机构,2019221280034,2020.10.13

10. 叶伟,贺海兵,李秦川,一种具有整周回转能力的三转动机构,201922139059X,2020.10.13



● 通讯地址:浙江省杭州市钱塘区2号大街928号浙江理工大学机械99银河官网23-408

● Email:wye@zstu.edu.cn



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